what led to the demise of the apache tribe

Conflicts between the U.S. Army and native Apache tribe (1849–1924)

Apache War
Part of the American Indian Wars
A Dash for the Timber by Frederic Remington.jpg
"A Nuance for the Timber, 1889" by Frederic Remington
Engagement 1849–1924

Southwestern U.s.

Result American victory
United States

Confederate States


  • Chiricahua Apache
  • Jicarilla Apache
  • Mescalero Apache
  • Lipan Apache
  • Western Apache
  • Plains Apache

Apache allies:

  • Ute
  • Yavapai
  • Comanche
  • Cheyenne
  • Kiowa
  • Havasupai
  • Hopi
  • Navajos
  • Papagos
  • Walapai
  • Yuma
  • Mohave
Commanders and leaders
United States John Davidson
United States James Henry Carleton
United States Kit Carson
United States Philip St. George Cooke
United States John G. Walker
Confederate States of America Granville Henderson Oury
Confederate States of America Thomas J. Mastin †
United States George Crook
United States George Jordan
United States Eugene Asa Carr
United States Philip Sheridan
United States Andrew Evans
United States Nelson A. Miles
United States Henry Lawton
United States James West. Watson
Flechas Rayada
Blackness Pocketknife †
Mangas Coloradas †
Iron Shirt †
Victorio †
Nanni Chaddi †
Na tio tish †
Apache Kid
Lilliputian Wolf (Mescalero)
Te-He-Nan †
Nana †
Coronado †
Red Dog

The Apache Wars were a series of armed conflicts between the United States Army and various Apache nations fought in the southwest betwixt 1849 and 1886, though modest hostilities connected until equally late as 1924. The United States inherited conflicts between American settlers and Apache groups when United mexican states ceded territory after the Mexican–American War in 1846. These conflicts were connected as new United States citizens came into traditional Apache lands to heighten livestock, crops and to mine minerals.[one]

The United States Regular army established forts to command the Apache bands. Several reservations were created, some on and some out of the traditional areas occupied by the bands. In 1886 the US Regular army put over 5,000 men in the field to wear down and finally accept the surrender of Geronimo and xxx of his followers.[2] This is mostly considered the cease of the Apache Wars, although conflicts continued betwixt citizens and Apaches. The Confederate Army briefly participated in the wars during the early on 1860s in Texas, earlier being diverted to action in the American Ceremonious War in New United mexican states and Arizona.

Start conflicts [edit]

Historically, the Apache had raided enemy tribes and sometimes each other, for livestock, food or captives. They raided with small parties, for a specific purpose. The Apache only rarely united to gather armies of hundreds of men, using all tribal male members of warrior age, and past the 1880s such methods of warfare were ended as most of the Apache bands had agreed to a negotiated settlement with the US government. Notwithstanding, other sub-nations of the Apache, normally clans or specialized warrior societies, continued their warfare. In turn, this limited potential negotiated solutions equally American responses failed to distinguish between Apache raiding parties and other groups. Consequently, American responses were sometimes heavy-handed, resulting in an escalation of the state of affairs equally other Apache were drawn into the conflict.[ commendation needed ]

The first conflicts between the Apache (who call themselves T`Inde, Inde, N`dee, N`ne, meaning the "people") and other people in the Southwest engagement to the earliest Spanish settlements, simply the specific prepare of conflicts at present known as the Apache Wars began during the Mexican–American War.[ citation needed ] The wars were sparked when American troops, in mistake, accused Cochise and his tribe of kidnapping a young boy during a raid. Cochise professed truthfully that his tribe had non kidnapped the boy, and offered to try and find him for the Americans, but the commander refused to believe him and instead took Cochise and his party hostage for the return of the boy. Cochise escaped, and a standoff adult as Cochise's tribe and allies surrounded the American forces, demanding the release of the balance of Cochise'southward party. After a standoff, during which 3 additional braves and a number of American soldiers and postmen were captured, the Apache retreated, believing they were existence flanked, but in revenge for the continued property of their people killed soldiers and postmen they had captured. The Americans in plough killed the 6 men they had captured, though allowed the women and children to go free. Unfortunately, three of the men killed were Cochise's brother and nephews, and Cochise gathered the Apache tribes and fabricated war on the US for vengeance, sparking the century-long disharmonize.[three] [ circular reference ] [4]

The kickoff Usa Army campaigns specifically against the Apache began in 1849[v] and the last major boxing concluded with the give up of Geronimo in 1886.

This terminal phase lasted from 1886 until as late as 1906, as small Apache bands continued their attacks on settlements and fought United states Cavalry expeditionary forces and local militia. The fighters were generally warrior groups, with small numbers of noncombatants. US forces went on search and destroy missions against the small bands, using tactics including solar signaling, wire telegraph, articulation American and Mexican intelligence sharing, centrolineal Indian scouts, and local quick reaction posse groups. Nonetheless, not until 1906 were the last groups of Apache, who had evaded the U.s.a. Army's border control of the tribal reservation, forced dorsum on the reservation.[ citation needed ]

Apache leaders such every bit Mangas Coloradas of the Bedonkohe; Cochise of the Chokonen; Victorio of the Chihenne band; Juh of the Nednhi band; Delshay of the Tonto; and Geronimo of the Bedonkohe led raiding parties against non-Apache. Because they resisted the war machine'south attempts, by force and persuasion, to relocate their people to diverse reservations they are usually regarded as national heroes by their own people.[ citation needed ]

Wars [edit]

Jicarilla State of war [edit]

At the commencement of the Mexican–American War in 1846, many Apache bands promised American soldiers condom passage through their land, though other tribes fought in defense of Mexico and against the influx of new settlers to New Mexico. When the United States claimed the borderland territories of Mexico in 1848, Mangas Coloradas signed a peace treaty, respecting the Americans as the conquerors of the Mexicans' land. All the same, as Tiller relates regarding the treaty signed at Santa Fe on April ii, 1851, "The Jicarillas were expected to comply with the terms of the treaty immediately, notwithstanding as far as the new Mexicans were concerned, their function of the bargain would get into event only later Congress had ratified information technology."[6] The United States Congress never did ratify the treaty. An uneasy peace between the Apache and the Americans persisted until an influx of gold miners into the Santa Rita Mountains of nowadays-twenty-four hours Arizona led to disharmonize.

The Jicarilla War began in 1849 when a grouping of settlers were attacked and killed by a forcefulness of Jicarillas and Utes in northeastern New United mexican states. A second massacre occurred in 1850, in which several mail carriers were massacred. It wasn't until 1853 that the regular army became involved. The army went on to fight at the Battle of Cieneguilla, a significant Apache victory, and later the Battle of Ojo Caliente Coulee, an American victory.

Chiricahua Wars [edit]

The Dragoon Mountains, where Cochise hid with his warriors.

In 1851, near the Piños Altos mining camp, Coloradas was attacked by a grouping of miners; they tied him to a tree and severely trounce him. Like incidents continued in violation of the treaty, leading to Apache reprisals against European Americans. In Dec 1860, thirty miners launched a surprise attack on an encampment of Bedonkohe on the west bank of the Mimbres River in retaliation for the theft of numerous livestock. According to the historian Edwin R. Sweeney, the miners "...killed iv Indians, wounded others, and captured 13 women and children."[ citation needed ] The Apache quickly retaliated with raids against U.S. citizens and property.

In early February 1861, a group of Coyotero Apaches stole cattle and kidnapped the stepson of the rancher John Ward near Sonoita, Arizona. Ward sought redress from the nearby American army. Lieutenant George North. Bascom was dispatched and Ward accompanied the detail. Bascom ready out to run into with Cochise near Apache Pass and the Butterfield Overland Stagecoach station to secure the cattle and Ward's son. Bascom started on the wrong foot by lying to Cochise about his purposes and intents, something that was detested past Apaches, who did not tolerate liars. Cochise was unaware of the incident, merely he offered to seek those responsible.[ citation needed ]

Dissatisfied, Bascom accused Cochise of having been involved. He took Cochise and his group of family members, including his wife and children, under arrest while under a white flag in the negotiating tent.[7] Angered, Cochise slashed his way from the tent and escaped. Later farther failed negotiations, Cochise took a member of the stage double-decker station earnest after an substitution of gunfire.[8]

With Bascom unwilling to exchange prisoners, Cochise and his political party killed the members of a passing Mexican railroad vehicle railroad train. The Apache killed and ritually mutilated nine Mexicans, and took three whites convict, but killed them later on. They were unsuccessful in attempting an ambush of a Butterfield Overland stagecoach. With negotiations betwixt Cochise and Bascom at an impasse, Bascom sent for reinforcements. Cochise killed the remaining iv captives from the Butterfield Station and abandoned negotiations. Upon the advice of armed forces surgeon, Dr. Bernard Irwin, Bascom hanged the Apache hostages in his custody. The retaliatory executions became known as the Bascom Matter; they initiated another eleven years of open warfare betwixt the varying groups of Apache and the United States settlers, the U.S. Army and the Amalgamated Army.[ citation needed ]

Afterward the American Civil War began in April 1861, Mangas Coloradas and Cochise, his son-in-law, struck an alliance, agreeing to drive all Americans and Mexicans out of Apache territory. Their campaigns confronting the Confederates were the battles of Tubac, Cookes Canyon, Florida Mountains, Pinos Altos and Dragoon Springs. Other Apache bands fought the Rebels besides; Mescalero Apache attacked and captured a herd of livestock at Fort Davis on August nine, 1861, with the Apache killing two guards in the process. The Army sent out a patrol to try to recall the livestock, and the Apache killed them all. Mangas Coloradas and Cochise were joined in their campaign by the principal Juh and the notable warrior Geronimo. They thought that they had accomplished some success when the Americans closed the Butterfield Overland Stagecoach and Army troops departed, simply those deportment were related to the beginning of the American Ceremonious State of war.

The United States armed services leadership decided to motion confronting the Arizona Confederates in what the Union considered function of the New Mexico Territory by dispatching a column of Californian volunteers under Colonel James Henry Carleton. The California Column, as it was known, followed the one-time Butterfield Overland Trail east. In 1862 the troops encountered Mangas Coloradas and Cochise'due south followers near the site of the leap in Apache Laissez passer. In the Battle of Apache Laissez passer, soldiers shot and wounded Mangas Coloradas in the chest. While recuperating, he met with an intermediary to call for peace with the U.s.a..

In Jan 1863, Coloradas agreed to meet with U.S. armed forces leaders at Fort McLane, near nowadays-day Hurley in southwestern New Mexico. Coloradas arrived under a white flag of truce to meet with Brigadier General Joseph Rodman West, an officer of the California militia. Again the Americans violated the neutrality of a white flag. The armed soldiers took him into custody, and West is reported to have ordered his sentries to execute the Apache leader. That night Mangas was tortured and shot, as he was "trying to escape." The following day, soldiers cut off his head, boiled it and sent the skull to the Smithsonian Institution. The mutilation of Coloradas' body increased the hostility of the Apache people against the United States.

Carleton then decided to forcefully move the Navajo and Apache to reservations. Initially, he intended to make the Rio Grande valley safer for settlement and end the raids on travelers. He began by forcing various bands of Mescalero and Navajo onto the reservation at Fort Sumner. He enlisted Kit Carson, one-fourth dimension friend of the Navajo, to circular them up by destroying their crops and livestock, and forcing them on The Long Walk to Fort Sumner. Carleton afterward fought the First Battle of Adobe Walls, the largest Indian War battle of the Great Plains.

Sometime in 1862 Yavapai County, Arizona, Theodore Boggs fought a small date with Apaches at Large Bug, Arizona. He was a son of the Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs.

Texas Indian Wars [edit]

On Nov 25, 1864, the Plains Apache fought in one of the largest battles of the American Indian Wars at the First Battle of Adobe Walls. Kit Carson led an army of 400 soldiers and Ute scouts to the Texas panhandle and captured an encampment from which the inhabitants had fled. More than than one grand Comanche, Kiowa and Plains Apache attacked him. Carson took a position in an abandoned adobe building on top of a loma and repulsed several attacks. After a day of fighting, Carson retreated and the Indians permitted him to leave without opposition. Fe Shirt, a Plains Apache main, was killed in the battle. 6 soldiers were killed; the army estimated that the Indians suffered 60 killed and wounded.[9]

Yavapai War [edit]

The Yavapai Wars, or the Tonto Wars, were a series of armed conflicts betwixt the Yavapai and Tonto tribes confronting the United states of america in Arizona. The menses began no later than 1861, with the arrival of American settlers on Yavapai and Tonto land. At the fourth dimension, the Yavapai were considered a band of the Western Apache people due to their close relationship with tribes such as the Tonto and Pinal. The state of war culminated with the Yavapai'south removal from the Campsite Verde Reservation to San Carlos on February 27, 1875, an event at present known equally Exodus Day.[x] [eleven]

In 1871, a group of six white Americans, 40-eight Mexicans, and almost 100 Papago warriors attacked Camp Grant. They massacred about 150 Apache men, women, and children. The incident came to be known equally the Campsite Grant Massacre.

Campaigning against the Apache connected in the mid-1870s. The battles of Salt River Coulee and Turret Peak are prime examples of the violence in the Arizona region. Soldiers and civilians, specially from Tucson, frequently pursued various Apache bands, trying to end their raids.

Victorio's War [edit]

In 1879, the veteran Chiricahua war chief, Victorio, and his followers were facing forcible removal from their homeland and reservation at Ojo Caliente, New United mexican states, 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of present-day Monticello, and transfer to San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. On August 21, 1879, Victorio, 80 warriors, and their women and children fled the reservation. Victorio was joined by other Apache, especially Mescalero, and his strength may have reached a maximum of 200 warriors, an unusually large forcefulness of Apache.[12]

For 14 months, Victorio led a guerrilla war against the U.South. Ground forces and white settlers in southern New Mexico, western Texas, and northern Mexico. He fought more a dozen battles and skirmishes with the U.S. Ground forces and raided several civilian settlements. Several yard American and Mexican soldiers and Indian scouts pursued him, equally he fled from i stronghold to some other. Victorio and many of his followers met their end on Oct 14, 1880, when they were surrounded and killed by Mexican soldiers at the Boxing of Tres Castillos, most 220 kilometres (140 mi) southeast of El Paso, Texas.[13]

A lieutenant of Victorio'south, Nana, continued the state of war. With fewer than 40 warriors Nana raided extensively in New Mexico from June to August 1881. Nana survived the raid and died of old age in 1896.[14]

Geronimo's State of war [edit]

Just days after the Carrizo Canyon fight, at the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona Territory, a force of soldiers was sent to investigate recent reports of Apache unrest and to detain the medicine human, Nochaydelklinne. The abort of Nochaydelklinne by three native scouts was peaceful until they fabricated their style back to camp. Upon arrival the camp had already been surrounded by Nochaydelklinne'south followers. The Battle of Cibecue Creek began. The post-obit 24-hour interval, the Apache warriors attacked Fort Apache in reprisal for the death of Nochaydelklinne, who was killed during the fighting at Cibecue Creek.

In the bound of 1882, the warrior Na-tio-tisha began to atomic number 82 a party of about lx White Mountain Apache warriors. In early July they ambushed and killed four San Carlos policemen, including the police chief. After the ambush, Na-tio-tisha led his band of warriors northwest through the Tonto Basin. Local Arizona settlers were greatly alarmed and demanded protection from the U.S. Ground forces. It sent out 14 companies of United states cavalry from forts beyond the region.

In the center of July, Na-tio-tisha led his band upward Cherry Creek to the Mogollon Rim, intending to reach General Springs, a well-known water hole on the Crook Trail. Noticing they were being trailed by a unmarried troop of cavalry, the Apache lay an ambush seven miles northward of General Springs, where a fork of East Clear Creek cuts a gorge into the Mogollon Rim. The Apaches hid on the far side and waited.

The cavalry visitor was led by Helm Adna R. Chaffee. The chief scout, Al Sieber, discovered the Apache trap and warned the troops. During the dark, Chaffee'due south lone visitor was reinforced by 4 more than from Fort Apache under the control of Major A. W. Evans. Then they were ready to begin the Battle of Big Dry Wash.

Geronimo, before meeting General Crook on March 27, 1886.

Geronimo is probably the virtually notable Apache warrior of that time catamenia, only he was non solitary. He belonged to a Chiricahua Apache ring. Later on two decades of guerrilla warfare, Cochise, one of the leaders of the Chiricahua ring, chose to make peace with the US. He agreed to relocate his people to a reservation in the Chiricahua Mountains. Shortly afterward in 1874, Cochise died. In a modify of policy, the U.Southward. government decided to movement the Chiricahua to the San Carlos reservation in 1876.[ citation needed ] Half complied and the other half, led by Geronimo, escaped to United mexican states.

In the spring of 1877, the U.S. captured Geronimo and brought him to the San Carlos reservation. He stayed there until September 1881. As soldiers gathered near the reservation, he feared being imprisoned for previous activities. He fled the reservation with 700 Apache and went to Mexico once more.

On April 19, 1882, some other Chiricahua master named Juh attacked the San Carlos reservation and forced Main Loco to break out. During the hostilities, Juh's warriors killed the Chief of Police Albert D. Sterling, along with Sagotal, an Apache policeman. Juh led Loco and upwards to 700 other Apaches back to United mexican states.

In the jump of 1883, General George Crook was put in charge of the Arizona and New Mexico [Indian reservation]. With 200 Apache, he journeyed to Mexico, establish Geronimo'southward military camp, and with [Tom Horn] as his interpreter, persuaded Geronimo and his people to return to the San Carlos reservation. Chiefs Bonito, Loco, and Nana came with Cheat at the fourth dimension. Juh remained in Mexico where he died accidentally in November. Geronimo did not come until February 1884. Crook instituted several reforms on the reservation, merely local newspapers criticized him for being as well lenient with the Apache. Newspapers of the time demonized Geronimo and on May 17, 1885, he escaped over again to United mexican states.

In the spring of 1886, Crook went after Geronimo and caught upward with him merely over the Mexico border in March. Geronimo and his group fled, and Crook could non catch them. The [United States Department of War/War Department] reprimanded Cheat for the failure, and he resigned. He was replaced past Brigadier General Nelson Miles in Apr 1886. Miles deployed over ii dozen heliograph points to coordinate five,000 soldiers, 500 Apache scouts, 100 Navajo scouts, and thousands of civilian militia men against Geronimo and his 24 warriors. Lt. Charles B. Gatewood and his Apache scouts constitute Geronimo in Skeleton Canyon in September 1886 and persuaded them to surrender to Miles.[fifteen]

An 1887 letter from Charles Winters from Troop D of the 6th Cavalry describes a soldier's experiences during the Apache Wars in New Mexico:

Dearest Friend!

I will now take and write to y'all a few lines, to permit you know that I am yet alive, and doing well. I joint [sic] the Regular army in Jan, 86 and had a good fight with Geronimo and his Indians. I also had two difficult fights, where i came very near getting killed, merely i got true [sic] alright. I was made Corporal when i first enlisted, but take now got high plenty to be in Charge of Troop D. 6th U.S. Cavalry and it requires a expert homo for to get that office, and that is more than i expected. Charley White from Cranbury came out with me and got in the aforementioned Troop with me, and I sent him with twenty more than men out on a Scout subsequently Indians and Charley was lucky plenty to exist shot down by Indians the starting time solar day, and only 3 of my men returned. I was very sorry but information technology could not exist helped.

The Territory of New Mexico is a very nice place never no Winter and lots of Gold and Silver Mines all around but for all that it is a bellicose place on business relationship of so many Indians. I like it first rate and I recall as shortly every bit my five years are upwardly I will become bak [sic] to Old New Jersey just not today. My name isn't Charley Winters no more than since i shot that man at Jefferson Billet when he tried to get away from me. My Captain at time told me to take the name of his son who died and then my name since then is Charles H. Forest. I volition now close and hope that you lot will soon write and let me know how you lot are getting forth. Give my all-time regards to all and to yourself and oblige.

Charlie Winters.

My address is:

Charles H. Forest

Troop D. 6th Cavalry

Fort Stanton, New United mexican states

Geronimo and his party had killed dozens of people during the Bear Valley Raid and similar attacks. The Regular army imprisoned Geronimo and many other Apache men, including some of the local Apache scouts, then they transported them to the E as prisoners of state of war. They held them at Fort Pickens in Florida. Some of the warriors and families were imprisoned at Fort Marion, also in Florida.

Northerners vacationing in St. Augustine, where Fort Marion was located, included teachers and missionaries, who became interested in the Apache prisoners. Volunteers participated in pedagogy the Apache to speak and write English, about Christian religion and elements of American civilization. Many citizens raised funds to ship nearly 20 of the younger male person prisoners to college after they were released from detainment. Near attended the Hampton Higher, a historically black college. Many Apache died in the prisons. Afterward, Apache children were taken to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School/Carlisle boarding schoolhouse in Pennsylvania, where 50 of them died. Eventually, after 26 years, the Apache in Florida were released to return to the Southwest, but Geronimo was sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Mail-1887 period [edit]

Despite the surrender of Geronimo and his followers in 1886, Apache warriors connected warfare confronting Americans and Mexicans. The United States Cavalry had several expeditions confronting the Apache after 1886. During one of them, 10th Cavalry and quaternary Cavalry forces under Outset Lieutenant James W. Watson pursued mounted Apache warriors n of Globe, Arizona, forth the Salt River. Sergeant James T. Daniels, Company L., 4th Cavalry and Sergeant William McBryar, Troop K., 10th Cavalry, are the last-known recipients of the Medal of Award for actions during the Apache Wars. Both were cited for "farthermost backbone and heroism" while nether attack by hostile Apaches, on March vii, 1890. Sergeant Y.B Rowdy, Troop A, of the Indian Scouts, was also decorated with the medal on the same appointment.[16] The concluding Apache raid into the United States occurred equally belatedly as 1924 when a band of natives, who were afterward caught and arrested, stole some horses from Arizonan settlers. This is considered to be the end of the American Indian Wars. But the Mexican Indian Wars connected for another nine years, until the last holdouts were defeated in 1933.

Encounter also [edit]

  • Apache-Mexico Wars
  • Arizona War
  • Apache scouts
  • Indian Campaign Medal
  • Navajo Wars
  • Navajo Scouts
  • Buffalo Soldiers
  • George Crook
  • Albert Sieber
  • Ant Crawford
  • King Woolsey
  • United States Army Indian Scouts

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Thrapp, Dan Fifty. (1967). The Conquest of Apacheria. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. LCCN 67-15588.
  2. ^ Sweeney, Edwin R. (2012). From Chochise to Geronimo: The Chiricahua Apaches 1874–1886. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Printing. ISBN978-0-8061-4272-two.
  3. ^ Bascom affair
  4. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: "History of The Get-go Medal of Award". YouTube.
  5. ^ Rajtar, Steve, Indian War Sites: A Guidebook to Battlefield, Monuments and Memorials, State past Country with Canada and Mexico, McFarland & Company, Jefferson North Carolina, 1999 p, 159
  6. ^ Tiller, Veronica E. Velarde, The Jicarilla Apache Tribe: A History, 1846–1970, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1983 p. 37
  7. ^ The The states Government and The Apache Indians, 1871–1876: A Case Study of Animus. p. 30
  8. ^ "Cochise and the Bascom Affair - DesertUSA".
  9. ^ Pettis, George H. "Kit Carson'due south Fight with the Comanche and Kiowa Indians". Historical Society of New Mexico. Personal Narrative No. 12, Battles of the War of the Rebellion, Santa Fe, 1908, pp. 28–35
  10. ^ http://www.onwar.com/aced/nation/all/apache/fapache1871.htm [ dead link ]
  11. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on January 7, 2007. Retrieved May thirteen, 2019. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived re-create equally title (link)
  12. ^ Gott, Kendall D. In Search of an Elusive Enemy: The Victorio Campaign. Leavenworth, KS: Gainsay Studies Constitute Printing. pp. 17–39.
  13. ^ Gott, pp. 40–42
  14. ^ Wellman, Paul Iselin (1987). "The Raid of Onetime Nana". Expiry in the Desert: The Fifty Years' State of war for the Great Southwest. U of Nebraska Press. pp. 195–205. ISBN0-8032-9722-X.
  15. ^ "Geronimo". History. A&East Telly Networks. Retrieved December ii, 2019.
  16. ^ Melzer, Richard (2007). Buried Treasures: Famous and Unusual Gravesites in New Mexico History. Sunstone Printing. p. 285. ISBN978-0-86534-531-7.

Resources [edit]

  • Michno, F. Gregory (2009). Encyclopedia of Indian wars: Western battles and skirmishes 1850-1890. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company. ISBN978-0-87842-468-ix.
  • Bigelow, John Lt "On the Bloody Trail of Geronimo" New York: Tower Books 1958
  • Bourke, John G. (1980). On the Border with Crook. Time-Life Books. ISBN0-8094-3585-3.
  • Cochise, Ciyé "The Offset Hundred Years of Nino Cochise" New York: Pyramid Books 1972
  • Davis, Britton "The Truth about Geronimo" New Haven:Yale Printing 1929
  • Geronimo (edited by Barrett) "Geronimo, His Own Story" New York: Ballantine Books 1971
  • Kaywaykla, James (edited Eve Ball) "In the Days of Victorio: Recollections of a Warm Springs Apache" Tucson: Academy of Arizona Press 1970
  • Lavender, David. The Rockies. Revised Edition. Northward.Y.: Harper & Row, 1975.
  • Limerick, Patricia Nelson. The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken By of the American Westward. Northward.Y.: Westward.W. Norton, 1987.
  • Smith, Duane A. Rocky Mount Due west: Colorado, Wyoming, & Montana, 1859-1915. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.
  • Thrapp, Dan L. (1979). The Conquest of Apacheria. Norman, OK: Academy of Oklahoma Press. ISBN0-8061-1286-7.
  • Williams, Albert N. Rocky Mountain Land. N.Y.: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1950.
  • STEPHEN WATTS KEARNY: Soldier of the West. Past Dwight L. Clarke
  • Apache Chronicle by John Upton Terrell
  • Curtis, Charles A. Regular army Life in the West (1862-1865). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April twenty, 2017. ISBN 978-1545458785.

External links [edit]

  • Map of Battles and Skirmishes Betwixt the Apaches and US Regular army - by tribe
  • [1]
  • [2]


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Wars

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