Best Rednose and Bluenose Pitbulls Lick Is That a Character of Red Nose Blue Nose Pitbull

Most of the time, dogs are bred for their performance. However, breeding might also emphasize certain physical characteristics such as the dog's coat or nose color.

Red Nose and Blue Nose are terms used to refer to a Pitbull's coloring. Different colored Pitbulls might come from different bloodlines, but they still belong to the same breed with similar characteristics and standards.

So, can a red nose Pitbull have a blue nose? A red nose Pitbull can't have a blue nose. The gene for the blue nose comes from a certain bloodline and the dog's parents must be carrying that gene. That's why breeders purposefully breed blue nose Pitbulls using a narrow gene pool.

Keep reading to learn more about Pitbull breeds as well as the differences between Red Nose Pitbulls and Blue Nose Pitbulls

What's Are the Main Breeds of Pitbulls?

red nose pitbull vs blue nose pitbull to answer can a red nose pitbull have a blue nose

Pitbull is more of an umbrella term used to refer to several dog breeds including the American Pitbull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and the American Bully.

The breed that's usually most associated with the term Pitbull is The American Pitbull Terrier. However, all Pitbulls breeds are very close in terms of physical appearance and temperament with some slight differences. (some people even confuse Pitbulls with American bullies, and you can learn how to tell the difference between Pitbulls and American bullies here)

When it comes to their physical appearance, most pitbull breeds share a square-shaped head, a fleshy nose, and big almond-shaped eyes. The coloring of their coats and noses will mainly depend on their bloodlines.

They are all athletic with muscular builds. However, some breeds may seem more athletic than others with some of the dogs being shorter and bulkier in build, while others being taller and leaner.

When it comes to their temperament, all pitbull breeds tend to be loyal, obedient, and friendly as long as they were properly trained and socialized early on in their lives.

When Pitbulls were brought to America from England, Scotland, and Ireland, they proved to be versatile dogs who mainly served to watch over cattle and livestock, hunt, and be faithful family companions.

 Later on, they were bred and trained to fight with other animals, however, that does not mean they are inherently aggressive. They will only become aggressive if they sense a threat or were provoked as they can be territorial and protective.

The Difference Between Red Nose Pitbulls and Blue Nose Pitbulls

The one main difference between red nose Pitbulls and blue nose Pitbulls, as the name implies, is the color of their noses which relies mostly on their bloodlines.

There might also be some differences in terms of rarity and price depending on demand and preference.

Although red nose Pitbulls and blue nose Pitbulls come from different bloodlines, they still belong to the same pitbull breed with hardly any differences when it comes to other physical characteristics or temperament.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the characteristics of red nose Pitbulls and blue nose Pitbulls:

Red Nose Pitbulls

The Old Family Red Nose is one of the most famous pitbull bloodlines of Pitbulls. This line wasn't bred for color or appearance, rather it was bred for performance and gameness. However, the red color was passed down through generations as well.

Red nose Pitbulls typically have red, brown, or pink noses. They also tend to have amber eyes, red toenails, and red coats.

Blue Nose Pitbulls

There isn't a famous bloodline for blue nose Pitbulls as there is for the red nose pit. It remains unclear where the line originated or if it was created intentionally.

Blue nose Pitbulls typically have grey or black noses. They also have deep blue-ish grey coats.

Research has shown that the blue coat color is basically a result of a dilution of the black color gene. So, for the dog to get that blue coat color, its parents must be carriers of the recessive dilution gene.

This implies that the breeders who purposely breed blue nose Pitbulls have to use a narrow gene pool which mostly requires crossing dogs who are genetically related. This is also known as linebreeding or inbreeding and it leads to higher risks of genetic disorders in dogs.

How Tell If You Have a Red Nose or Blue Nose Pit Bull?

You might think it's easy to tell whether you have a red nose pitbull or a blue nose pitbull, but with so many color variations, it can get confusing at times.

 All you need to do is take a look at your dog's nose and examine the color closely.

A red nose pitbull might not always have a distinct red shade on his nose as it can range from red to reddish-pink or reddish-brown. To make it simple, if your dog's nose is a warm color, then you most defiantly have a red nose Pitbull.

A blue nose pitbull, on the other hand, will have a blue, gray, or light black nose. It will also have a blue-gray coat.

Can A Red Nose Pitbull Have a Blue Nose?

As mentioned before, the coloring of the dog mainly depends on the dog's bloodline and genetics.

So, a red nose Pitbull is unlikely to have a blue nose because the gene for the blue nose comes from a certain bloodline and the dog's parents must be carrying that gene.

That's why breeders have to use a narrow gene pool when purposefully breeding blue nose Pitbulls using

Related Questions

Are Red Nose Pitbulls More Expensive than Blue Nose Pitbulls?

Red nose Pitbulls can be more expensive than blue nose Pitbulls. That is because they come from a famous Old Family Red Nose bloodline which is known to produce dogs with excellent performance. However, the cost of Pitbulls can still vary depending on the demand and preference of dog owners.

Are Blue Nose Pitbulls Rare?

Blue nose Pitbulls are not rare. They don't come from any specific or rare bloodline and the gene responsible for the blue color is easily passed down through breeding. That's why it's common for breeders to cross dogs who are closely genetically related when breeding a blue nose.

Helpful Resources

How to Tell If Your Puppy Is a Blue Nose/Red Nose Pit Bull

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